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The Benefits of Retreats

Feb 24, 2022

Retreats are fabulous for resetting and boosting our energy levels and recharging us. Is a retreat the same as a holiday to some exotic place? Not really. Retreats are usually located in a serene location in nature with trained staff in activities like Yoga and Reiki to help you to relax with long term benefits like an increased metabolism and lower blood pressure. Being with nature helps us to heal and reduce our production of cortisol, a stress hormone. 

Retreats are a great place to make friends and meet like-minded people who can be a great support system. 

Are you not totally sold on a wellness retreat? Let me tell you why Teresa's and Tom's Soul Camp is so amazing. 

This magical event takes place in Maple Ridge at a protected forest on a private lake.  We have our own kitchen, workshop room, gas fire area, lake access and so much more.  Each room has 2- 3 maximum with a private bathroom and separate shower.  The food is good home cooking and fantastic. Honestly the Food, Location and Facility are worth the cost alone.   

 What to expect at your stay?

Five fantastically magical Facilitators will be at your disposal for:

A Reiki healing session can help you to let go of stresses and release emotions that no longer serve you. You will be able to release these emotions, thoughts, and limiting beliefs from the past which are holding you back from what your heart desires. You will be able to let go of the resistance that is keeping you from achieving your dreams and fulfilling your life purpose. With the ancient knowledge of Reiki healing and contemporary techniques for emotional release, you will be able to unblock stuck energies and have better emotional and physical health.

Breath Work healing Frequency class is the conscious rhythmic breathing technique giving us an awareness of our breath connecting us to ourselves.  Changing breathing patterns can restore balance to stress response systems. Your breath is the most powerful tool you have to make changes in your life – it can alter your state of mind and even boost your immune system. In this class, we will explore how we use our breath to open ourselves up to feel more, experience more, and be more. By using breath work as a tool for transformation, we are able to tap into the most profound aspects of who we are.

Yin Yoga can improve mood and let's face it stretching is good for you. Yin yoga is slow paced, meditative and deeply therapeutic. It includes many different postures (or asanas) that focus on the connective tissues of the body (fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints) rather than on the muscles. This is a great way for anyone to experience yoga especially if you have not done much stretching or are new to exercise.

Hypnotherapy is a amazing way to reach a state or relaxation, to shift subconscious programing  and to live a more fulfilled life. Hypnotherapy can help to build foundations to kick start a new beginning in life. Hypnotherapy aims to create an altered state of consciousness in which an individuals' subconscious mind becomes receptive to positive suggestions. During hypnotherapy, clients undergo a series of vocal and visual cues that elicit relaxation and peace. Hypnotists use their voice, their hands and other techniques known only by practitioners to assist people in entering this state. Once a person is relaxed, the hypnotist gives suggestions through carefully chosen words and phrases so that people can make changes to their lives.

Meet your Animal Spirit Guide Dream catchers and tons of connection with self, nature your tribe There will be many readings and channeling 

VIP will receive a private one on one Reiki, spellcasting class with wand making and henna. 

Tons of time for transition and absorption and amazing food prepared for you (dietary changes available 


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