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Meeting your Goals to Live A Better Life!

May 04, 2022

Have you ever had a great idea of project in mind and when you began working on it  you loose all your luster and excitement to continue? Or perhaps you are working towards a new career or business idea and when you run into unexpected complications or road blocks, you feel you are getting no where and just give up. You are probably lacking direction and motivation. Luckily, motivation can be learnt and by setting goals, you can achieve your dreams and live a better life.

I stumbled upon this great eBook 101 Motivation Tips to Reach Your Goals by Teresa Collins from Blended Spirit Academy. Teresa has out done herself with this little gem of a book.

Tereasa breaks down her book into 5 chapters such as Tips for finding your Motivation, Tips for Building your Self-Discipline, Tips for Managing your Time, Tips to Change your Thinking and Tips for Reaching your Goals. Tereasa dives right in and the nice thing about her book is that she does not waste time rambling on. Her tips are easy to implement and put into action. All her tips are numbered and spaced out nicely on the page. They are not in a sea of paragraphs that you have to read in order to find!

I'll share a few of her ideas to give you an idea of what is jam packed in her book and get you started on feeling ready to go on your way and accomplish your dreams.

Here are few of my favorites:

“Make a Deal with Yourself. When I’m done with these reports, I can take a walk in the park and enjoy some ice cream.” Giving yourself something fun to do once you complete your task can keep you motivated to get things done."

"Have the same routine. It can be incredibly confusing if you change your routine too often. Have one routine and work towards keeping it consistent from day to day. A routine can help you continue a steady flow throughout your day. It might take a bit to get your routine in place, but once you do, you will get the driving force that will help propel you through your day."



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