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How to Maintain Good Mental Health

Mar 30, 2022

Most of us take our mental health for granted and being aware of our thoughts and feelings is important to maintain our mental health.  We like to call it Mental Wealth so we can stay Happy, Wealthy and Wise. So how can we improve our mental health? Just like you look after yourself daily with washing your face and combing your hair, it is just as important to look after your mental health on a daily basis. Step one is decluttering. Learning to become more aware of your thoughts is important so you know what thoughts you need to let go of. At the end of the day you maybe carrying around negative thoughts from other people or anxious thoughts cluttering your mind. Try writing down all your thoughts on a piece of paper and then ripe up the paper! Next step is to be aware of the thoughts that are going into your mind. Stay aware of who you are connecting with, the story you are telling yourself. and how your mind is working during the day. Start filling your mind with things you enjoy like enjoying a spring day, reading a book, being in nature, listening to music, find your creative side, your passion, what you love to do.

Exercise can boost your self-esteem giving you a feeling of accomplishment.  Our body also releases endorphins that helps to maintain a positive outlook on life. After a work out some people feel a buzz. It is recommended thirty minutes a day of exercise can help. Try gardening, going for a walk, ride a bike or house cleaning. Just get active. 

Diet is also important as well. Eating well fuels the mind, so when eating don't forget to think about good foods for great mental wealth. 


For more positive vibes and advice subscribe to Time to Shine - Teresa Collin's YouTube Channel below.



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