Counseling & Reiki:
Enhancing Your Healing Practice

Unlock the power of integrated healing with Counseling & Reiki. This transformative course is designed specifically for Reiki practitioners who have completed Reiki 2 and wish to expand their healing abilities through client-based counseling techniques. By combining the power of Reiki energy healing with effective counseling skills, you will take your healing practice to new heights and create profound impact for your clients.

Come get it here!

What you'll get:


Understanding of Client-Based Counseling:

Gain essential knowledge and skills in client-based counseling approaches. Learn how to create a safe and supportive space for your clients, actively listen to their needs, and provide empathetic guidance throughout their healing journey.

Enhanced Effectiveness of Reiki Sessions:

Discover techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your Reiki sessions through counseling integration. Learn how to address emotional blockages, facilitate open communication, and tailor your healing approach to each client's unique needs.

Harnessing the Power of Silence:

Explore the profound impact of silence in your healing practice. Understand how intentional moments of silence can create space for reflection, deep healing, and intuitive insights. Develop the art of holding silence as a powerful tool in your sessions.

Harnessing the Power of Silence:

Cultivate a deeper level of presence and connection with your clients. Expand your capacity for empathy, compassion, and intuition, allowing you to meet your clients exactly where they are on their healing journey. Strengthen your ability to support them holistically, addressing both their physical and emotional well-being.


This course is an invaluable addition to your Reiki practice, providing you with a comprehensive toolkit to deliver transformative healing experiences for your clients. Embrace the fusion of counseling and Reiki, and witness the profound impact it can have on the lives of those you serve.


Enroll now and secure your spot for $499. Experience the power of integrated healing and elevate your healing practice to new horizons.

Please note that this course is exclusively available to Reiki practitioners who have completed Reiki 2. Expand your healing potential and embark on a transformative journey of Counseling & Reiki.

Join us on this path of integrated healing and be the catalyst for profound transformation in the lives of your clients.

Enroll now and unlock the combined power of Counseling & Reiki!