Chakra Foundations Course


Have you ever wondered about the chakras? What are they, exactly? You may see them talked about in magazine articles, or see them posted in numerous social media posts. Where did they come from, and how do they impact you? More importantly, WHY do you need to know about these ‘chakras’? As a matter of fact, these chakras have quite a HUGE influence on all of us, and when they are blocked or misaligned, they can have quite a negative impact on our quality of life. So how do you fix them??! Enter Blended Spirit Academy’s Foundational Chakra class. We’ll talk about the what, where, why and how’s, providing you with practical exercises to take home with you to maintain your balanced energies, and therefore a healthier and happier you! This is a beginner’s course, so no previous knowledge is required, and everyone is welcome!
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Root Chakra


The Root Chakra begins forming before birth and develops from ages -1 through 7. It is responsible for feeling “grounded”—for a sense of safety, trust and security.

When this chakra is open/energy flowing, we feel safe, at home in the world, and fearless.

Learn how to open and heal this base in this amazing video taught by 3 expert healers

Shannon Dowbiggins, Tracey Elgert and myself Teresa Collins.

Bonus healing: Can be done at all points and lessons

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Sacrel Chakra


The Sacral Chakra may be the most common blockage but healing this chakra is one of the most empowering feelings there is.

Just like the rest of our chakras, imbalance can look like 2 different things: overactive and underactive. In order to tap into the power of the Sacral Chakra, the aim is to find balance.

When you heal the Sacrel you’ll feel:

  • An enormous sense of inspiration
  • Confidence in expressing your true self
  • Able to pursue your heart’s desires
  • Deeper, more fulfilling connection in your relationships
  • More present & able to engage fully in the world around you
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Solar plexus Chakra


The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. This enables you to discover who you truly are and let your authenticity flourish. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the ability to overcome fear, master your thoughts, and make conscious choices.

    • Identity — As the core of your personality and identity, the solar plexus chakra allows you to bloom into your authentic self and discover who you truly are.
    • Personal Power — The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power. This empowers you to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.  
    • Willpower — Working with your personal power, your solar plexus chakra gives you the willpower and self-discipline to get things done.
    • Confidence — The solar plexus chakra is responsible for your self-esteem and how you view yourself. It also gives you the confidence to make decisions and feel self-assured.
    • Intention & Action — Your solar plexus chakra gives you the power to transform your thought into action.


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Heart Chakra


The heart chakra is associated with compassion, affection, and love. The energy of the heart chakra starts in the center and expands through the chest. This chakra connects the lower and upper chakras, acting as a bridge between earthly matters and higher aspirations.

If you have a blockage in Heart Chakra, you may experience:

  • Shyness.
  • Loneliness.
  • Depression/Anxiety.
  • Finding it hard to forgive.
  • Finding it hard to feel empathy.

Learn all about it, and how to unblock and align in this lesson


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Throat Chakra


The throat chakra in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the neck, and rules the throat, ears, mouth and even partially the eyes

It acts as the individual’s force of expression and individual truth, both internally and externally. A balanced throat chakra helps to set us free from the fear of judgement or need for approval from others.

This chakra helps us to embrace our originality and unique individual experiences in the world. It is also associated with purity, thus connecting it to the concept of truth.

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Third Eye Chakra


The third eye (also called the mind's eye or inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. ... The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.

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Crown Chakra


The crown chakra, or sahasrāra chakra in Sanskrit, is known as “the bridge to the cosmos.” It is the most spiritual in nature of all seven chakras. Located above the crown of the head, it acts as the individual's center of spirit, enlightenment, wisdom, universal consciousness, and connection to higher guidance

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